How we’re driving down emissions with our new electric fleet

Fleet transport operations at the University of Bristol are on the road to Net Zero thanks to a major investment in new all-electric vans and e-cargo bikes. 

This month the University is expecting the delivery of its biggest ever order for electric vehicles (EVs), 13 Toyota vans worth a total of around £490,000.  

This exciting delivery represents a big step forward for the Cleaner Fleet Programme, managed on behalf of the University by the Sustainability team, which aims for an all-electric road vehicle fleet by 2025-26. 

The University first introduced EVs to its fleet in 2016, and (with the new delivery) now has a total of 42 all-electric vans and 7 hybrid electric vehicles, out of a total road fleet of more than 90 vehicles. In the past year the University has also established a fleet of 10 e-cargo bikes, helping to cut transport emissions still further.  

The EVs and cargo bikes replace older diesel and petrol vehicles used by schools and departments across the University for a range of activity including campus operations, research fieldwork and business travel. The Cleaner Fleet Programme also aims to increase vehicle-sharing within and between departments to help reduce the size of the overall fleet. 

James Ryle, Transport Special Projects Manager, is leading on the project and reflects on the undertaking:  

“Moving to an all-electric fleet is a big challenge for any organisation – sourcing new vehicles and installing charge points are significant projects in their own right. But it’s also an important way of limiting the climate and health impacts of transport, so it’s  very rewarding to see the new electric vans and cargo bikes take to the road.”  

The investment is funded by the University as part of its commitment to achieving a net zero campus by 2030, with grant contributions from the Energy Savings Trust towards the cargo bikes. Staff can find out more about the University’s Cleaner Fleet Programme visit the Sustainability Sharepoint site