This month, our ‘Be the Change’ campaign theme is ‘action’. We’re encouraging staff and students to challenge themselves to make a positive contribution by volunteering, recycling, growing plants, composting and raising awareness. All action, however big or small, can change the future of the world we live in. Read on to hear from Faith, a Sustainability Team intern and master’s student, as she tells us about her journey into activism.
“Reading about the findings of an IPCC report in 2018 I remember feeling a real sense of shock and urgency to take action. At a similar time, groups like Extinction Rebellion, Youth Strike 4 Climate and Fridays for Future were making a name for themselves. I soon got involved with Extinction Rebellion Youth, Brighton. It was great to be around people who also cared so deeply about these issues, and I met some of my closest friends and my partner through being involved. When the pandemic hit, I realised how exhausted I was from it all and took a step back.
Since moving to Bristol three years ago, I’ve slowly started to find my place in the climate movement again and have been figuring out how I can make a difference. There are many lifestyle changes that I have made, such as:
- Eating a mostly plant-based diet
- Buying seasonal and organic vegetables
- Growing what I can in my allotment
- Taking trains and buses instead of flying
- Using my social media account to raise awareness
- Getting comfortable talking with friends and family about climate change
- Cycling or using public transport instead of driving
- Buying almost all of my clothes second-hand
I’ve also got involved with Green New Deal Rising, a youth movement campaigning for climate justice.

Being part of Green New Deal Rising has given me a real sense of hope and the ability to connect with other like-minded people in Bristol. I love that Green New Deal Rising takes a stance that social issues and environmental issues are deeply intertwined – recognising this is essential to find effective solutions which ensure that no one is left behind. As well as calling for better environmental policies, we are campaigning for policies which ensure decent housing and secure jobs, with a key focus on uplifting the most vulnerable in society.
Being part of Green New Deal Rising has been a great way to learn more about issues that I’m passionate about and has given me some much-needed motivation to continue campaigning for climate justice. I truly believe that no one is too small to make a difference, and when we come together in movements and communities, we can have a truly transformational impact.”